Before the Lil’ Louis Chicago house anthem French Kiss, the climax of erotica’s music was in Cerrone’s disco eruption
How I discovered this record ?
Love in C Minor is by far my favorite Cerrone ‘s track!
I was born in 1971, then I was still a bit young to buy it when it came out, but I heard this song a little later and it stuck with me forever. For years, I played it on radios and in some clubs, at a time when clubs and radios still had their own records collections…
I found my copy during a walk on a flea market. The record was lost among others, many were damaged with stories that were absolutely not related to this one… I immediately saved it from drowning because the rain was starting to fall. This record, of the legendary French producer, never leaves my DJ bag, and this song is often played in my sets somewhere between 4 and 5 am, where the energy of the dancefloors speaks for itself, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it!
Few words about the record
In 1976, Marc Ceronne wanted to write an album. At Trident Studios, located in Soho (London), he recorded Love in C Minor alone, an about fifteen minutes ‘s title, far too long for the radios of that era. Composed of drums, whose bass drum is clearly highlighted, with a soundtrack from an American porn film, no record company wanted to sign it. Ceronne decided to manufacture it at his own expense, and he distributed a few copies to his acquaintances. But the cover, where Cerrone poses with a naked woman at his knees, did not encourage record stores to promote it. Success would come from across the Atlantic…
They let me do what I wanted. I was with the Jackson Five, Quincy Jones, Ray Charles… The only white man, was me!
One of the most crucial parisian record store in 70’s and 80’s, Champs Disques, sent by mistake a box of Ceronne’s records to New York, instead of defective copies of a Barry White release. The cover obviously catched the eye of the distributor who made it listen to DJs… The title was on radios and in discotheques A bootleg version, released by Casablanca Records, was assiduously played in American nightclubs. Informed of this success, Cerrone went to USA and ends up being hired by Ahmet Ertegün (producer and songwriter, Ertegün was a record company owner, he co-founded Atlantic Records in 1947, with Herb Abramson). Love in C Mirror was released for Atlantic Records in 1976, and won a Grammy Award the same year.