Daft Punk Is Back : Six Weeks, Few Hours… ?

If you want to know more (than everybody told) about the soon release of Daft Punk’s last LP, it will not be on this page… Well, like anyone : not yet
If you want to know more (than everybody told) about the soon release of Daft Punk’s last LP, it will not be on this page… Well, like anyone : not yet
Vision de l’intérieur de la capsule spatiale a son retour sur terre, après 501 jours de voyage
Back from a trip to São Paris São Paris – Là Back to june 2006 with the release : « Là », a « São Paris » CD out on F Communications. São Paris is a name contraction between São Paulo and Paris. It exactly define where the two members of the band are from, two world cities, two
Note for later : Never make eye contact while shooting with pussies ! From a photo call, shooted by Andreas.
Ludique VS lubrique ? Twister, un jeu de société intergénérationnel
Cinémix : Le Cuirassé Potemkine (Sergueï Mikhailovich Eisenstein, 1925), présenté au Festival du court-métrage de Limoges en 2005
Fascinating, brilliant 20-minute video about the history of the « Amen Break, » a six-second drum sample from the b-side of a chart-topping single from 1969. This sample was used extensively